Inukshuk Capital Management Inc. is a portfolio manager and Toronto ETF strategist firm. Inukshuk Capital Management employs systematic strategies in its dynamic asset allocation portfolios and its absolute return fund. These portfolios are invested in highly liquid, low cost exchange traded funds (ETFs) that track and are benchmarked to specific indexes. By applying systematic strategies to ETFs, Inukshuk Capital Management can construct a low cost, diversified portfolio of assets.
Our research has shown that applying these strategies to ETFs is the most cost-effective way for an investor to access local and global markets because they are very liquid, low-fee securities. That’s why as an ETF strategist we focus only on investing in ETFs. ETFs are highly liquid and low cost trust units that represent the holdings of the indexes they track. These index ETFs represent the major asset classes investors require to build diversified portfolios. By investing and trading in only deeply liquid indexed ETFs Inukshuk Capital Management constructs highly diversified portfolios that are themselves very liquid and low cost.
There are many different processes a Toronto ETF strategist firm use to manage portfolios of ETFs. At Inukshuk Capital Management we use systematic strategies based on in-depth research of price relationships of ETFs. Price alone is the input used to build our portfolios.
As a systematic Toronto ETF strategist firm, Inukshuk Capital Management’s process uses rules, or signals, to actively trade a portfolio of ETFs. The signals are developed with exhaustive quantitative research of historical price relationships using our proprietary systems. These systems generate the signals to trade the ETFs as well as allocate capital between the asset classes the ETFs represent. Our systems also diversify across the different strategies used in the investment process to build a highly diversified portfolio which dynamically invests capital in different strategies and different ETFs.
Inukshuk Capital Management is an independent Toronto ETF strategist firm and investment manager focused on cost-effective portfolio management with objective of maximizing risk-adjusted returns. We use a disciplined, quantitative approach to design tailored portfolio management solutions for individuals and institutions. Inukshuk Capital Management is also the manager of the Inukshuk Opportunities Fund LP, a systematic, multi-asset class, long/short global investment fund.
Inukshuk Capital Management Inc. is incorporated under the laws of Canada and is registered as an Investment Fund Manager, Portfolio Manager and Exempt Market Dealer in Ontario. ICM’s office is located in Toronto, Ontario.